I am beyond thrilled to be your PE teacher for the 2024-2025 school year! This will be my third year teaching PE (my 14th year working in the district) and I am so excited! I have a passion for staying healthy and look forward to working with each of you.

Our Goal
It is important that we remain SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, and RESPECTFUL while engaged in physical activities. Please plan to follow all PBIS school-wide expectations!

Upcoming Events
First Day of School! - August 5th (Minimum Day!)
Back to School Night! - August 7th from 5:00-7:30 PM.
Shark Elite #1: October 9th (Wednesday, after school) - Shark Elite #2: January 29th - Shark Elite #3: TBA
Summit Homeroom World Cup: November 22nd (min. day)
Staff vs. Student- Hawaiian Football: December 19th (min. day)
Family Fitness Night: January 15th (Summit gym, 6:00-7:00pm)
Summit Dodgeball Tournament: March 21st (min day)
PE Field Day (Homeroom Class competition): May 16th
Thank you for attending Back to School Night!
Click here for a copy of the presentation.
Click here for a copy of our class syllabus.
Click here for a tutorial on how to open combination locks.
After School Sports
CO-ED Intramural Sports (after school, on campus)
Intramural Volleyball (ALL grades): Aug-Sept (Tues/Wed/Thurs, 2:30-3:45)
Intramural Basketball (ALL grades): Oct (Tues/Wed/Thurs, 2:30-3:45)
Intramural Football (ALL grades): Jan-Feb (Tues/Wed/Thurs, 2:30-3:45)
Intramural Soccer (ALL grades): Feb-March (Tues/Wed/Thurs, 2:30-3:45)
Intermural Sports (vs. ESD intermediate schools)
Intermural Basketball: Nov-Dec
1 Boys team, 1 Girls team
ALL grades
Basketball Tryouts (Nov. 6-7)
Season (Nov. 12- Dec. 12) *Tues/Wed practice, Thursday game
Intermural Soccer: April-May
1 Boys team, 1 Girls team
ALL grades
Soccer Tryouts (April 2-3)
Season (April 8- May 1) *Tues/Wed practice, Thursday game