Incoming 8th Grade Year Long Electives

Yearlong Electives

Here at Summit we offer 3 year long electives to our 8th graders. Leadership, yearbook, and video production (Shark Bytes).

Leadership is taught by Dai Griffin an 8th grade Language Arts / Social Studies teacher

Yearbook is taught by Tracie Alo an 8th grade Math / Science teacher

Video Production is taught by Enrique Rosas an 8th grade Math / Science teacher

What each elective is about:

When can you apply?

In your 7th grade year, mid March we will pass out the applications for students to begin filling out. This only applies to our current 7th graders. Please check back for the application form.


  • Need to have at least a 2.75 GPA by the end of the school year

  • Earned an "S" or better for citizenship in all classes

  • Can not have an excessive amount of tardies/lates