At Summit Intermediate, we believe in celebrating the hard work and dedication of our students. Our Honor Roll program recognizes students in Grades 6-8 who excel academically.
To be recognized on the Honor Roll, students must meet the following criteria:
Academic Achievement:
High Honor Roll: Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.60 - 4.00
Honor Roll: Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 - 3.59
Citizenship: Students must have a Citizenship mark of O or S.
Important Notes:
GPA Calculation: GPAs are calculated at the end of each trimester based on official report card grades in:
Language Arts
History/Social Studies
Exploratory Course
Physical Education
A grade point is assigned to each full-credit course (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0). Elective or exploratory courses, which are six weeks in length, are counted as half-courses. When calculating the GPA, each half-course grade is treated as half the weight of a full-credit course grade. Grade points are then used to calculate a simple average based on the number of full-credit course equivalents. GPA is calculated on a 4-point scale and is rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Finding Your Child's GPA: Look for the phrase " Total GPA (non-weighted):” on the bottom portion of the report card.
Honor Roll recipients are celebrated by Renaissance Rewards throughout the school year.