If you are feeling overwhelmed, please reach out to me with any questions you may have. I am here to help. :)
Contact Information: Jeri_Gannon-Jacobsen@etiwanda.org
Click here for--> Mrs. Harisay's Webpage
If you are feeling overwhelmed, please reach out to me with any questions you may have. I am here to help. :)
Contact Information: Jeri_Gannon-Jacobsen@etiwanda.org
Click here for--> Mrs. Harisay's Webpage
3/3--3/7 College & Career Week
3/7 Band to perform at Falcon Ridge
3/10 Min. Day--1:00 dismissal
3/10--3/14 iReady Testing
3/14 4.0 Breakfast
3/21 Khan Academy **RATIOS** due
3/21 High Honor Roll Field Trip Permission Slips due
3/21 Min. Day--1:00 dismissal
3/22--3/30 Spring Break
3/31 Khan Academy **LEVELED ASSIGNMENT** due
Math--There are some very specific requirements that I require for students to earn full credit on assignments:
For homework, students must use 8 ½ x 11, ruled, loose-leaf paper (NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS PLEASE). Homework is due and is turned-in daily during homeroom—before 8:10 am.
Second, the assignment must be labeled correctly. We go over the format in class the first week of school (Name, number, date, page #, problems). This format is also posted on the wall in class. All work should be done in PENCIL only--the only time we use pen in math is to make corrections (RED pen).
Third, students must write each problem and show ALLWORK starting on the left side of the paper. If students do not show their work (how they solved their problems), they will not earn full credit. I model how to solve problems and show work in the daily math notes - SHOWING WORK IS CRITICAL & NOT AN OPTION! Answers should always be boxed or highlighted. If a student has a question on a problem, they need to refer to their notes and TRY. If that doesn’t work, then they can use the online math support, PAPER Tutor (available 24/7), call a friend, email me, or see me in the morning MOST DAYS after 7:30 am. If the assignment is not complete and turned-in by the end of homeroom, students will receive partial credit.
All problems should be corrected in RED PEN, using the answers in the back of the textbook, and a total (number missed) should be written clearly (and circled) at the top of the page. (Sometimes students will need to correct using an answer sheet posted on this website under "ANSWER KEYS.")
Lastly, students should re-work ALL MISSED PROBLEMS in RED PEN. This error analysis procedure is very important for student learning. If this step is not done, the assignment will be considered incomplete and will receive partial credit.
NGSS--Next Generation Science Standards
Introduction Video
Lab Safety--General Lab Safety
What NOT to do
***Go through Clever
Click here for HELP
Student tool sheet for Annotations & Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER)
Possible websites:
Please review our Classroom Procedures **Reviewed in class (copied on yellow paper, stapled, and was included in student's Green Folder)
Lunch Procedures (Including Inclement Weather) Click here
***All students should have gotten their textbooks . However, there may be times when you're away from home or a book is not accessible. When this happens, PLEASE USE THE ONLINE TEXTBOOK **See link to directions HERE ** (We also went over this in class)
Back to School Night Presentation (Click Here for PDF)
Provided for each student:
PRIDE Planner
Math Workbook
Math Notes
StudySync Workbook
Science Workbook
Math “tools”
Our school provides all students with the supplies they need for instruction in class; however, if you would like your child to have their own items instead of sharing items with a group, you may want to consider purchasing:
Basic calculator with +, -, x, / (no phones)
Red, blue, and black ball point pens
Pencils (mechanical preferred)
Colored pencils
Highlighters (pink, blue, yellow, green, & orange)
Pencil pouch or box
College-ruled ream of paper (loose-leaf)
Earbuds or headset
2 two-pocket folders
Plastic sheet protectors
Binder—No bigger than 1.5-2 inch (can use same binder for both teachers)
ADDITIONAL CLASSROOM DONATIONS (for whole class use)--No pressure :)
Small bottles of water
Plastic sheet protectors
MYTH: We didn't have any homework.
Homework is the practice of skills learned in class, and practice is essential in order to master any skill. Work will be assigned DAILY (Monday-Friday), and is due the following day. Occasionally, especially on weekends, homework may be limited. Check your child's PRIDE Planner, Google Classroom, and/or this website to verify homework assignments. Late work will receive only partial credit and will have a negative impact on grades.
QUESTION: How much time should my student spend on homework?
Since homework is a reinforcement of concepts covered in class, it should take your student approx. 20 minutes per subject to complete. Please remember that every student is different, with different strengths and weaknesses. Some assignments may take a little less time; others may take a little longer, depending on your student's strengths and focus. (This time does not include nightly reading, unfinished class work, or special projects that are completed over time.) I believe that homework not only reinforces daily learning, but it also fosters a sense of responsibility and develops good study habits.
MYTH: My student is in middle school, so they can do everything without parental support. I shouldn't have to "keep tabs" on them.
School work is an important aspect of school life, and “even though they are older,” students still need their parents’ help and encouragement to stay on the right path. You can help them with time management and by providing a quiet work area/desk, away from distractions. This means away from their cellphones, social media, TikTok, YouTube, video games, television, etc.
All students should check the teacher website, Google Classroom, ConnectEd, etc. to view/complete assignments, access resources, and to stay informed. Completing assignments is how students practice the skills they have learned, demonstrate proficiency, and prepare for quizzes/tests. If a student is not taking an active role in their education by completing their assignments, asking questions, engaging in online lessons, getting help, etc. their grades will be negatively impacted, and they will not be prepared for the future.
QUESTION: How will I know how my student is doing?
AERIES is our on-line gradebook that is frequently updated and can be accessed 24/7. There is a link to AERIES on my website. Grades are updated almost daily. It is important to open each subject to view specific items. Notice the updated date at the bottom of the page to see when grades were last updated as well as read the "Comments" section for each assignment, so you are aware of GFA's and other important information.
MYTH: It doesn't matter if my work is late.
Late work is discouraged and is not accepted for full credit. Missing work reports will be sent home Friday and the scores for any late work submitted by 8:00 AM the following Monday will be reduced by 25%. After Monday at 8am, no credit will be given. Please email the teacher directly about any issues or concerns with a specific assignment.
QUESTION: How will I get my student's homework if they are absent?
It is each STUDENT’S responsibility to find out what was missed when absent. Students can find assignments on all their teachers' websites. Students can ask a friend or email the teacher with specific questions. Students have as many days as absent to make-up their work. For example, a student is absent 2 days; the student has 2 days to make up the work before points deducted for being late. Please carefully monitor AERIES to ensure that all missing/absent work is made up by the Monday following your missing work report email.
NOTE: If your student is absent for a test or quiz, they must make arrangements to take the quiz or test within 48 hours of their absence.
QUESTION: Where do I call if my student is ill?
Please call the school absence reporting line (909) 899-1704.
MYTH: The teacher never told us we were going to have a test.
There is a daily warm-up quiz in math. In addition, we will have a math quiz at least once in every chapter. Students are always allowed to use their math notes on quizzes. All TESTS will have advance notice. Please check PACK Planner/website.
NOTE: Math tests will be preceded by an ONLINE Practice Test (which counts as a QUIZ GRADE) and a take-home Study Guide "practice" test.
QUESTION: What do I do if my student forgets something at home?
If your student should forget something at home in the morning, please drop it off in the school office and then e-mail BOTH teachers. We will do our best to let your student know that you dropped off their missing item in the office. Your student will be able to check for forgotten items/lunch at the pickup window during their lunch hour.
MYTH: I turned it in at school.
Whatever is listed on this website each day HAS NOT BEEN COLLECTED OR TURNED IN. If I collect something the same day, it will say, "Turned in??" on the "Homework" page. Otherwise, classwork and homework ARE NOT TURNED IN UNTIL THE FOLLOWING DAY.
MATH FACTS for basic facts practice:
Xtra Math--Sign-in thru Clever
GAMES for math skills practice:
Prodigy--Sign-in thru Clever
The Great Math Mystery Video
Video Reflection Sheet--Make YOUR OWN COPY, add your information, and share with me.
I was born in southern California, but I was raised (as an only child) on a 95-acre ranch in northern California. I did most of my elementary schooling in a little town called Oroville. (At one time, I went to Ophir School, so I was an "Ophir Gopher!" I know...super cool, huh?) On the ranch, we had chickens, ducks, geese, goats, a pig, sheep, cows, horses, and cats & dogs. I had lots of chores, but it was an amazing experience overall!
Just before I started high school, I moved back to southern California where I attended Bishop Amat High School. After graduation, I worked to put myself through college at Mt. SAC (AA) and at Cal State Fullerton (BA). CSUF is where I also earned my teaching credential. I started teaching in West Covina, where I taught 3rd-5th grade for 5 years, and I have been in Etiwanda since 1999. I've taught at Terra Vista (4th grade), Summit Intermediate (7th grade), and was part of the staff that opened Day Creek. I have taught 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math and science, and while I enjoy science, I have a passion for math! While working in Etiwanda, I also completed my master's degree in Educational Leadership at Cal Baptist. In 2022, I thought I was going to retire, but after just 1 year away, I realized my work was not done. I returned to Etiwanda last year as a long-term substitute in 6th grade math/science, and this year I am blessed to be returning to Summit full-time. This will be my 29th year teaching.
As of December 2024, I will have been married for 29 years to my best friend, "Mr. G-J." He is an Electrical Journeyman Lineman. Our favorite place to vacation is Alaska, and we both are able to say we swam in the ocean above the Arctic Circle--Yes, with the icebergs! We stayed at a hotel in a small village on the northern-most point of North America. To be "official" and get a certificate commemorating our COLD dip in the Arctic Ocean, we had to be fully submerged (completely under water). My hair was frozen solid as soon as I got out! The name of the village/town was Barrow, Alaska (now it's called Utiqiagvik). We share our home with a beautiful German Shepherd named Cinder. My favorite color is GREEN, and my favorite number is 4.
HOBBIES: Spending time with Mr. G-J, extended family, friends, and my dog Cinder. I love acting, and I've been told I'm very funny. I even made the front page of the newspaper once! I also like gardening, reading in my beautiful backyard, shopping on AMAZON, watching crime dramas on TV, house-hunting online, and going to the movies. (In the winter, I'd rather sit by the fire and watch movies.)
FAVORITE MUSIC: Classical, 70's--Disco/Dance, and 80's—Actually, I like just about everything. Now I'll listen to almost anything, but it's usually Christian music.
“Self-esteem is only formed by persevering thru the tough times. Making it through all that life brings, helping others, and asking for help when we need it is how we begin to know (and like) ourselves.”
-Mrs. G-J =)
“You are the only person on the face of the Earth who can use your ability. That is an awesome responsibility.”
-Harry K. Wong
“There is no accomplishment without RISK.”
-Harry K. Wong
“Nothing is easy to the unwilling.”
-Nikki Giovanni
"A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it."
“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
-Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. “
-Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937)
“Sometimes the hard thing and the right thing are the same thing.”
“This is our purpose: to make as meaningful as possible this life that has been bestowed upon us; to live in such a way that we may be proud of ourselves; to act in such a way that some part of us lives on.”
-Oswald Spengler (1880 - 1936)
“You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.”
-Rosalynn Carter (1927 - )
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
-Les Brown
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt
"In order to be walked on, you have to be lying down."
-Brian Weir
"Strive for excellence, not perfection."
-Mrs. G-J =)
Mission for the Class:
Never settle for any less than your personal best.
Etiwanda’s Mission:
"The Etiwanda School District is dedicated to promoting high standards in curriculum, instruction, performance and personal behavior. It is our goal that each student achieves academic excellence and develop respect for self and others so that they become contributing members of our culturally diverse society. The responsibility for the development of these qualities in all students is accomplished through a cooperative effort among students, parents, staff and community."